The Maestro
Like John Lennon said, “I’m an artist. Give me a tuba and I’ll make something out of it.” When I first visited Maestro Coffee (2069 Arena Boulevard in Natomas), I asked the owner where he got his espresso. His response was the decidedly nongourmet, non-fair trade Maxwell House. Despite offending my every instinct as an avowed food snob, I had to concur with my coffee loving co-worker in this assessment: The Maestro makes the “best damn Maxwell House” we’d ever had. Give the Maestro Maxwell House and he’ll make something out of it. Not quite a tuba rendition of Abbey Road though. Think Double Fantasy. The supergracious owner is always there, making every cup himself, without a hint of the “you are not worthy to drink this coffee” vibe some of the better coffeehouses can give off. Now if someone will just get this guy a better coffee bean …