The Go! Team
Thunder, Lightning, Strike

Most every cut by this U.K. collective bristles with positive, emotional, musical power. Small wonder when the vocals mix rap with cheerleading routines, the two drummers kick with bombast and exuberance, and the live-with-samples backing tracks evoke the desperation and determination of a late-’60s girl group (“Ladyflash” borrows from the Supremes’ “Come See About Me”). It’s hard not to get caught up in the joie de vivre of the propulsive drill-team chant (“Two, four, six, eight, ten!”) of “Bottle Rocket” or the urgency and suspense of the large brass section on “Junior Kickstart” (think Hawaii Five-0 theme). Even the less energetic, piano-based “Feelgood by Numbers,” with its cheerful chord suspensions, moves with youthful energy. A unique and wonderful record.