The Foreigner

Main Street Theatre Works stages an outdoor, starlight production of Larry Shue’s Southern hunting-lodge comedy from the 1980s, involving a visiting Brit so colorless that he actually asks, “How does one obtain a personality?” This gent decides to pretend he can’t speak English. But of course he soon becomes a sympathetic confidant of several characters—and even a hero. It’s a hokey story with predictable plot developments and (surprise!) a feel-good ending. But while the script is insubstantial, it’s nonetheless a fine framework for the comic abilities of actor Floyd Harden, who really is quite funny as the visiting Brit—inventing his own crazy language as the need arises. Plus, this lovely foothills venue is always a good place to see a show.
Main Street Theatre Works; 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; $12-$16. Kennedy Mine Amphitheatre (park in the lot at 1105 N. Main St.), Jackson; (209) 295-4499, Through July 21.