The bulletproof wolf

Not as dreamy as Leo, but that’s still a damn sharp suit.
Photo courtesy of Rogers & Cowan
The Wolf of Wall Street might have seemed like an over-the-top fictionalized Hollywood tale of power, greed and Wall Street fraud, but it was actually based on Jordon Belfort's best-selling memoir. Belfort really was making $50 million a year in his mid-twenties, with more than 1,000 stockbrokers working for him—and he really did go to prison for 22 months for fraud. But after prison, Belfort reinvented himself as a motivational speaker. He believes that even though he broke the law in his business dealings, he learned a lot about how to succeed—and now knows how to do it legally. If he'd just made a few different decisions, he says, he'd not only have avoided prison, but would be a billionaire today. He comes to Sacramento this Monday to share some of his success secrets with anyone interested in advancing business or personal goals.
<del>The Wolf of Wall Street Live, 6 p.m. Monday, September 29; $99-$499. Memorial Auditorium, 1515 J Street; (855) 965-3868; </del>
Editor’s note: According to a tour publicist, Belfort’s "appearances in Sacramento and San Francisco have been combined into one event: next Tuesday, September 30th at Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco. Those who have already purchased tickets are being directed to call 1-855-WOLFTOUR (1-855-965-3868) for more information."