The Boys: The Sherman Brothers’ Story

Lyricist Robert Sherman and his composer brother Richard were the sound of Disney for several decades, shepherding Mary Poppins to the screen, penning copious songs for the studio’s cartoons and live-action pictures, and creating in-park standards like “It’s a Small World” and “The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room.” Despite their overwhelming contributions to family-friendly culture, the Sherman brothers were socially estranged rivals, and their separate families grew up apart while living just blocks away from each other. The documentary The Boys is directed by one of each of the Shermans’ adult children, and together they try to piece together the roots of their still-living parents’ bitter enmity and unique musical teamwork. It’s a sometimes fascinating, oft-sentimental peek behind the Disney curtain, but the uncritical family touch is a little too gentle, and some important questions are left dangling.