The Black Heart Procession

For fans expecting another brooding, self-loathing affair, Amore del Tropico, with its nods to samba and calypso music, will be confusing. Although songs such as “The Invitation” and “Why I Stay” remind us that we have a darker, deeper core, those moments are few and far between. Thankfully, we’re left with an album of great emotional and spiritual relevance. Fusing piano with some excellent cello and string parts, Los Angeles’ Black Heart Procession mixes its song bag with a little cha-cha (“End of Love”) and pseudo-pop rumblings (“Did You Wonder”). Amore explores several genres without losing scope and focus; even such seldom-used instruments as the Optigan and saw make an appearance, however slight. Most acts falter when they attempt to mature and grow, but the Black Heart Procession still remembers that life is full of changes. And, like its music, the group must meet that challenge with open arms.