Teriyaki redemption

Illustration by Serene Lusano
In August, the Buddhist Church of Sacramento’s Japanese Food & Culture Bazaar drew thousands of people with the promise of succulent teriyaki chicken. As such, the line was frighteningly long during logical eating hours. If you, like me, freaked out and went for the shortest line instead, now is the time for redemption. Legendary, home-style teriyaki chicken can be yours! The Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church’s annual Japanese Fall Food Sale is here, and before Saturday, October 1, you can preorder all the teriyaki chicken ($7), udon ($5), curry rice ($5.50), bento boxes ($10), teriyaki beef sandwiches ($5) and spam musubi ($4) that you desire for pickup on Saturday, October 8. Yes, that means the lines will be shorter and you won’t risk waiting around for something that’s about to sell out. If you’re dreaming of tempura shrimp, though, you’ll have to wait until next year’s bazaar. Place your orders at http://sacramentonichirenchurch.org/