Technical ecstasy

Robert Hudson, “Figure Painting,” mixed media, 2004
Some art can overwhelm you via a dazzling display of aesthetic triumph, or the kind of inner hoodoo that gets your internal molecules moving. Other art can knock you out via sheer technical achievement; you simply cannot believe how the artist put a piece together. Some large, three-dimensional works by Sonoma County artist Robert Hudson, currently on display at b. sakata garo at 923 20th Street, have the aesthetic and the technical nailed, and they may have a corner on the hoodoo, too. Hudson works mostly in primary colors—vivid reds, blues and yellows—and even his wall installations explode from their moorings with an array of found objects: china plates, tools, small tires and wooden switches. His free-standing works are something to behold, too. The pieces are meticulously composed, but they’re intensely vibrant and whimsical. This exhibit will be up until Saturday, May 29. Advice? See it before it’s gone.