Take five

From top to bottom, the Joe Gilman Trio is Joe Sanders, Joe Gilman and Justin Brown.
In 2001, American River College professor Joe Gilman performed a concert of Dave Brubeck compositions with the Capital Jazz Project. The performance caught the attention of the Brubeck Institute, and Gilman was invited to recreate the show at the annual Brubeck Festival. Brubeck himself got wind of the project and sent Gilman copies of all his published music to share with his students. Gilman, along with Brubeck Institute students Joe Sanders and Justin Brown, recorded a CD of newly arranged Brubeck tunes and sent it to the composer. Brubeck’s response? “I am truly amazed at the trio’s imaginative reinterpretations of my music. I laughed and hollered out loud at every track.” Get ready to holler again, because this Saturday night is the CD-release party for the Joe Gilman Trio’s Time Again: Brubeck Revisited Volume 2. Pick up a copy at 8 p.m. at the American River College Theatre. Admission is $10, or $15 for admission and a CD. Call (916) 484-8549 for information.