Swarm of flesh-gobblers

Sac’s swarm of flesh-gobblers

Too cool for your flesh.

Too cool for your flesh.


Braised brains and hanging flesh flakes will be everywhere Saturday, when George A. Romero’s cinematic visions overtake Midtown Sacramento. The Zombie Walk 2017 starts in Roosevelt Park with a gathering called the Carnival of the Dead. From there, legions of leg-draggers will stagger down S Street, ushering their rotted faces through one of the city’s busiest corridors of bars and restaurants. The event, billed as intentionally-perturbing public art, will then return to its carnival for a screening of Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. Professional makeup artists, food trucks and live entertainment will all be part of the mix. 940 P Street, www.facebook.com/saczombiewalk.