Swap des artistes

Montage of swappable stuff by Linda Welch.
This Friday and Saturday only, it’s all about making your own art pick—and then buying it or trading your old art stuff for it. It’s a first-ever, old-fashioned art swap at the Exploding Head Gallery, 924 12th Street, July 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and July 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For those two days, you can buy, sell or trade art in all mediums. Peruse art books and magazines. Check out supplies. You might even snag that bargain kiln you’ve been lusting for. You can also bring your tagged stuff in, and the gallery will sell it for you, minus a 10-percent commission. Or come and hang out with your stuff and keep all the dough you rake in. A brainchild of the Head’s owners, this swap promises to be the garage sale for the visual arts! For more information, call (916) 442-8424.