Summer Guide 2015 Daytrips & Getaways: Hit the road

Gas up the car and find a designated driver because it’s time explore some the region’s best minivacations

illustration by Hayley Doshay

So maybe you don’t have enough coin saved up for that swank European vacation this summer, but don’t fret because Northern California offers plenty of minivacation opportunities—the kind of jaunts that just take a tank of gas (and someone to take the wheel, sober) and enough money for a round of drinks and some bites or maybe a little impulse shopping. Whether you want to check out new breweries, hit the river or even pack a bag for an overnighter, we’ve got you covered. Just cut out one of these handy little paper action figures, close your eyes and play pin-the-tail-on-the-adventure. A mental recharge is closer than you think.