Study war, learn peace

The recent documentary Gaza Strip puts a face to the struggle of Palestinian life under military occupation.
In the last year, the United States has increased its military budget, its military activity in the world and its list of enemy countries while cutting back on civil liberties. If you’re disturbed by this trend, you’ll want to attend Sacramento-Yolo Peace Action’s two-day Peace Film Festival. Of course, most of the scheduled films are actually about war, but the group hopes they will provide an essential understanding of the implications of our government’s actions. On the bill are Hidden Wars of Desert Storm, an award-winning documentary questioning the official reasons for the Gulf War; and Frontiers of Dreams and Fears, a first-prize winner at the 2002 Women’s International Film Festival. The projector rolls at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday (different films each night). Admission is free, but donations to aid Middle Eastern refugees are encouraged. Newman Center, 5900 Newman Court. Call 448-7157 or visit for more info.