Spins a web, any size

“Lookout! Here comes the Spider-Man.”
The subject of the catchiest super hero theme song ever written will swing into Old Sacramento for National Free Comic Book Day this Saturday. Of course, you’ll have a chance to meet Spidey in all his red and blue lycra splendor. You’ll probably even receive the aforementioned free comic book (for the first 1,000 guests), but be sure not to miss the other spideriffic attractions. Practice climbing a wall like Spider-Man scaling a skyscraper. Check out real spiders from a UC Davis spider exhibit as well as Marvel comics art and costumes worn by the stars of the new Spider-Man movie.
Did I mention super hero costumes are encouraged? Yes, it’s time to dust off your crime-fighting mask and slip into the tights of justice, so Spider-Man knows he’s not alone in this super-powered town. Super heroes (yes, even plain clothes super heroes) are welcome from noon to 6 p.m. Stage Nine Entertainment, 102 K St., Old Sacramento. Free for all. Call 447-3623 or visit www.stagenine.com for more information. Now sing it with me! “Does whatever a spider can … ”