Something to do

In honor of the Jazz Jubilee, here’s a detail from “Genesis Blue” by Russell Kidd, one of the many artists at the Riverfront Promenade Art Fest.
Memorial Day weekend always presents a challenge for those who draw a paycheck by writing about upcoming events in Sacramento. No one throws concerts, art openings or fund-raising dinners on Memorial Day weekend—at least, not here. Local event planners wisely figure that everyone who isn’t going to the Jazz Jubilee is leaving town, and then they take the weekend off themselves. It’s convenient for everybody (except for the entertainment journalists).
See, the law of averages dictates that, if most people in America travel on Memorial Day weekend, then some of those people will come here for vacation. Therefore, Sacramentans playing host to those visiting guests will comb these pages looking for something to entertain them with. And now we’re back to our original concern.
Luckily, Sacramento is about to kick off a new entertainment option this weekend: the Riverfront Promenade Art Fest. The riverside walk between Old Sacramento and the Crocker Art Museum will become an open-air market from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. this Saturday through Monday. 50 artists will exhibit their paintings and crafts amid street performers, children’s entertainers, story tellers and live demonstrations of crafts and martial arts. MatrixArts Kids will be onsite to lead children in interactive art projects. The Embassy Suites hotel will open its patio for dining and people-watching. From the promenade, it’s an easy walk to the exhibits at the Crocker or to Old Sacramento for a little street-corner jazz. Admission is free. Call (916) 343-6664 or visit for more info.
No worries if you’re vacationing elsewhere this weekend. The Riverfront Promenade Art Fest will continue every Sunday through October.