Someone Like You

A talk show talent booker (Ashley Judd) spends an entire film pining over casual cad Greg Kinnear before finally falling into the arms of wounded womanizer Hugh Jackman. (20th Century Fox is careful to give away the entire plot in its advertising campaign.) The film is a little maladroit and ungainly, and the effort to be sophisticated and lighthearted shows more than it should—but it has appealing actors and an aura of good intentions. Judd is a conscientious actress, but comedy doesn’t seem to come naturally to her; she could learn by studying her effortlessly comic co-stars Marisa Tomei and Ellen Barkin. Still, she has some nice moments, like an endearing cheerleader routine. Director Tony Goldwyn is careless and unsure, but somehow the feel-good stuff works, even when it’s bobbled.