Soldiers of misfortune

What do you suppose artist Danny Scheible figures is the state of our union?
Different war, different century, same message. It may not be about Vietnam, but the point of Danny Scheible’s “War Room,” which steals the Inter-Disciplinary show of nine artists’ work at Fools Foundation (1025 19th Street) is well taken. Hundreds, even thousands, of those little green toy soldiers, most ripped from their pedestals and broken into multiple pieces, sacrificed their plastic lives to spell out Scheible’s commentary—which also includes bites of the State of the Union address in which President Bush offered the Iraq war to the American people. Meanwhile, put a quarter in Scheible’s “Fund My War” candy machine and you get a choice: plastic green soldier parts, painted body pieces or M&Ms.
Also on view, Ian Pines’ large untitled oil paintings exude a Philip Guston sensibility with broad brushstrokes and bold color, but offered up as abstracts. See these and more until December 22. For more information call (916) 446-4221.