So much to see

A small girl plays with the Whole Earth.
For some reason, local event planners insist on scheduling the Dixon May Fair, the Sacramento County Fair, the Whole Earth Festival, Second Saturday and various Mother’s Day events on the same weekend every year. To experience it all, you’ll have to forgo luxuries like sleep. If the pressure’s too much, mellow out at the Whole Earth Festival at the University of California, Davis. Sample organic food. Groove to the music of local bands like the Mind Club, Squish the Bad Man and the Sardonics, and you’ll feel better in no time. After hearing the motivational speeches on this year’s theme (Inspire Change!), you can start a campaign to spread Sacramento’s biggest events throughout the summer so we can enjoy them all. The festival begins at noon on Friday and goes until 5 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is free. Visit for information.