SN&R gives thanks in 2015

SN&R is thankful …

for the scores of readers who’ve shown their support for free speech and independent journalism by supporting SN&R’s legal fund.

that it’s still somewhat affordable to live in Sacramento. Somewhat.

that Sacramento County finally hired a sheriff’s watchdog. Only took three years.

that we only have 13 more months of gratuitous sports metaphors from the mayor’s office.

for the Midtown Farmers Market. And the other ones, all of them.

that Anthony Sadler, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos proved you can be badass without a gun.

for south Sacramento’s Little Saigon, a magical land of constant edible discovery.

for all the exciting arts-focused activity on R Street.

for Tahoe’s ski resorts opening early this year.

for the rain El Niño’s brought so far. Only a million inches more of precipitation needed until we reach “normal” levels again. Or something like that.

to see more development and revitalization going into neighborhoods such as Oak Park and Tahoe Park. It’s not all about Midtown.

that (hopefully) more bike lanes are coming to the central city.

for the unbelievably affordable falafel at Babylon City Market.

for Sacramento’s growing Yoga in the Park offerings.

for our responsible, smart and passionate cannabis community.

that we can catch all kinds of cool touring acts and more at Ace of Spades and Harlow’s.

that the Kings are still in town and providing so much juicy drama.

that the Department of Justice views anti-camping ordinances as illegal. Your move, city council.

for our hundreds of thousands of readers. Thank you!