Snoochie boochies

Jason Mewes (left) as Jay, with Silent Bob, admiring the sole number in their Little Black Book in Clerks II. (Oh wait, that’s the Bible!)
Embarrassing confession: In college, people started calling me “nooch.” I’m sure you have your theories as to why this moniker came about, but that’s beside the point: Friends were calling me a name made famous by Jason Mewes, of Jay and Silent Bob fame, in the film Mallrats. For shame.
Anyway, Mewes will be in town this Sunday as part of Saccon, Sacramento’s Comic, Toy and Anime Show. If you don’t know jack about comics or anime, this is a great primer to see what’s out there that interests you. And if you are in the know, then, uh, you don’t need my urging.
Also appearing will be a fleet of Sacramentans: comic artist Tim Vigil, Sacramento Comicbook Creators Group and artist Jason Dube, painter/artist Skinner, Empire’s Comic Vault and ECV Press’ Ben Schwartz, Brains’ masterminds Anthony Leano and Paul Allen, and Hot Zombie Chicks’ Mike Hampton.
I’ll be there—just after I pass by your mom’s house, nooch.