Silent art auction tonight!
GASA Auction Show and Sale!
Everyone recognizes that arts’ funding for public schools, whether lower or higher education, is scarce. And everyone who’d like to hang some art on our walls know that buying or bidding on a work of art and taking it home can be a pricy venture. So why not kill two birds with one stone and check out Sacramento State’s Graduate Arts Students Association’s Auction Show and Sale this Thursday and Friday at the Robert Else Gallery at CSUS. Tonight, Thursday, March 6, there will be a silent auction from 6-9 p.m. at the gallery. Apologies for the late notice—like you had anything better to do—but you don’t miss out on this opportunity to bid on affordable art and support funding for Sac State grad students. The auction will feature the work of faculty and graduate students, many of whom have international followings. If you can’t make the auction, there’s a virtual gallery and auction online at, where you can peruse artists’ creations and bid on them in the “comments” section up until 8:30 p.m. on Thursday evening. Or, if you’re real savvy, you can go to the auction, bring your Mac and bid simultaneously in cyberspace, which begs all sorts of Baudrillardian riddles. But that’s aside the point. The crux of the biscuit? Awesome art priced within your means this evening at Sac State, Robert Else Gallery; 6000 J Street; (916) 278-6011. For more information contact the Graduate Art Students Association president at