Show me the science

Damon Williams is a salubrious provisional atheist humanist currently meandering in Colfax

A recent poll claimed that nearly 50 percent of Americans believe God created the Earth, the animals and humans in six days and that the Earth is only 6,000 to 10,000 years old. To understand how so many came to believe this, I researched creationism and intelligent design as explained by its advocates.

The Institute for Creation Research, the Discovery Institute and many others consistently make two claims in support of creationism/intelligent design. First, they claim the complexity of our DNA molecule is “clear evidence of design from an all-powerful Designer.” Second, in arguing against evolution, they claim, “There is no scientific evidence that shows organic life spontaneously arising from inorganic non-life.”

Christian fundamentalists and biblical literalists, naming their beliefs “creation science” or “intelligent design,” seem to contend that God created humans from the dust of the Earth with a fully developed DNA so complex that it could not possibly have evolved, but only could have been created by a supreme being.

If “there is no scientific evidence that shows organic life spontaneously arising from inorganic non-life,” then how could one claim that God created humans out of the dust of the Earth? How can one support creationism or intelligent design being taught as science in biology classes and then assert that there is no scientific evidence to support these claims?

If creation of humanity from dust isn’t “spontaneously arising organic life from inorganic non-life,” what is? The assertion by advocates of creationism and intelligent design that there is “no scientific evidence” supporting evolution appears to favor the more reasonable assumption that there is no scientific evidence to support the belief that God created us.

How, specifically, is the DNA molecule “clear evidence of design from an all-powerful Designer”? What repeatable, internally and externally verifiable evidence is being tested, and how?

The Human Genome Project found within our human DNA dormant sections that are 100-percent identical to those of many other animals—dolphins, bats, pigs, birds and even iguanas. How did we come to be created with a fully developed DNA that includes DNA from all these other creatures? If a supreme being—God, if you will—did create these animals out of the dirt, it seems we’re back to a claim that there’s “no scientific evidence” to support.

So, where’s the logic in intelligent design?