Show Dogs
A New York police dog (voiced by Chris “Ludacris” Bridges) enters a Las Vegas dog show with his reluctant human partner (Will Arnett) to nail a gang of animal smugglers. Written by Max Botkin and Marc Hyman and directed by Raja Gosnell (who did much better with Beverly Hills Chihuahua—but then again he had a better script), this dreary time-and-talent waster seems to have been aimed at undemanding three-year-olds whose parents have more money and less sense than is good for them. Arnett and Natasha Lyonne (as another dog trainer entered in the same show) gamely go through the motions, forlornly resigned to playing second and third fiddle to a lot of semi-cheesy talking-animal effects and stale fart jokes. Supplying canine voices are the likes of Alan Cumming, Stanley Tucci, RuPaul and Shaquille O’Neal.
It’s all Melissa McCarthy all the time; nobody else gets even a sliver of the limelight.
Published on 05.24.18
It’s aimless, contrived and clichéd, betraying the inexperience of writers Erin Simms and Bill Holderman (who also directed, limply.)
Published on 05.24.18
Writer Ryan Engle and director James McTeigue celebrate Mother’s Day with a tribute to the fighting spirit of protective moms everywhere, prepared to brave any danger, pay any price, and purvey any cliché to ensure the safety of their offspring.
Published on 05.17.18
Julie Cohen and Betsy West direct this fawning and skin-deep documentary about octogenarian Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Published on 05.17.18
More snot-nosed nihilism and fangless comic book meta-commentary from Marvel’s unkillable “merc with a mouth,” once again played by Ryan Reynolds as a homicidal rape-joke comedian.
Published on 05.17.18