Shanghai surprise

How many chairs are under there?
The circus is coming to town! The New Shanghai Circus, that is. These Chinese acrobats are so skilled at defying the laws of physics that you can watch their show and still not believe your eyes. Witness daring aerial ballet, handstands atop 20-foot towers of chairs, a performer who balances 21 sawhorses (weighing over 200 pounds!) on his head, and another who juggles 35-pound earthenware jugs. The New Shanghai Circus has garnered more awards than any other acrobatic troupe. They’re coming to Davis for two shows only—2 p.m. and 8 p.m. this Saturday. Admission is $27 for adults and $11 for children. Freeborn Hall, UC Davis. Call (530) 752-1915 or visit for more information.