Shades of Summer
Greetings from SN&R’s 2004 Summer Guide

Illustration By Elwood Smith
Thanks to one of those inexplicable quirks of the publishing trade, this introductory page needs to be sent to our printer some five months before the rest of this issue goes to press. Therefore, as I write these words, I can hardly overlook the irony of trying to conjure up images of summer swelter while a cold arctic wind rips through yet another gloomy December day here in Sacramento.
Still, like some science-fiction hack on a late-night bender, I try to imagine what Sacramento will be like in the summer of 2004. Will it be some strange parallel universe in which California first lady Maria Shriver beckons hungrily from the cover of Sacramento Magazine’s special “Food Issue”? Will millions of public dollars be dedicated to ousting the Tower Theatre, while our city task force announces plans to make Arco Arena an appendage of the Downtown Plaza?
Fortunately, these are just the mid-winter delusions of an over-caffeinated editor, and nothing more. For the real story on summer in Sacramento, I refer you to the following pages, in which you’ll experience our unique city from more perspectives than a double feature of Rashomon and Pulp Fiction. Life is what you make it, as some British post-rock band once whined, so get ready to explore summer in Sacramento through the eyes of its most eclectic residents: outdoor action heroes, meandering night owls, attention-deficit-disordered pre-teens, strangely literate local celebrities and, yes, one very opinionated canine. (Back off, Scoopy. SN&R’s mascot is in full effect.)
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m heading downtown for a little afternoon ice skating.
Bitchin’ escapes
On the Zen of barbecue
Now that’s what I call summer reading!
Sleepless in Sacramento
Star-crossed summer
Seventh grade going on eighth grade
Dog days
Queer eye for the Summer Guide
Get on up!