Sexy sushi

Illustration by Brian Breneman
In the photo, she's naked. And she—actress Helena Bonham Carter—is embracing a 59-pound tuna to raise awareness of the species' near extinction. Their nudity has gotten plenty of double takes, but they're not in water, so that means her fishy buddy is dead? What isn't a dead animal but also warrants a double take in the grocery store is Vegan Toona by Sophie's Kitchen of Sebastopol, Calif. It doesn't have that pungent flavor that elementary-school lunch nightmares are made of, but the pea-protein faux tuna plus Vegenaise for a “Toona” sandwich is better than supporting the tuna-fishing industry, which is obliterating these animals due to human demand for sushi. However, Certified Master Chef James Corwell has been working on a solution to keep sushi alive with his Tomato Sushi. Ingredients: no mercury, no extinction, tomatoes—and some flavoring. That is sexy sushi. Find it at Rainbow Grocery in San Francisco or