Seder for all

Illustration by Serene Lusano

I regularly lament the lack of a Jewish restaurant in Sacramento—with the exception of the fabulous though far Bubbie’s Love in Citrus Heights—but for one night, Empress Tavern (1013 K Street) will celebrate Passover with a Seder dinner. The traditional meal usually involves the following: gefilte fish, matzo ball soup, brisket, kugel and tzimmes. Knowing Empress Tavern, the restaurant’s first Seder probably won’t be entirely traditional, but it’s hard to imagine chef Michael Thiemann not serving brisket. There will be some Passover activities, led by Rabbi Mona Alfi of Congregation B’nai Israel, but non-Jewish folks are welcome to attend. Expect a family-style feast, with games and stories and fun. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 24. Tickets cost $65, including tax, service and ceremonial wine. Children under 10 can get in for $45. The event doubles as a benefit for the Mustard Seed School. Grab tickets and learn more at