Scream queen

Birds of a feather attack actresses together.
Tippi Hedren was working as a model when Alfred Hitchcock spotted her in a television commercial for diet soda. Shortly after that, the master of suspense put the icy blonde under personal contract, flying her out to California to star in his upcoming thriller, The Birds, in which the residents of Bodega Bay come under the attack of vicious birds. Hedren, who was cast as socialite Melanie Daniels, earned a Golden Globe for her performance. Nowadays, the actress is on a three-stop tour—San Francisco and Seattle are the other lucky cities—that will bring her and the 1963 thriller to the Crest Theatre (1013 K Street) this Wednesday. Arrive at 7:30 p.m. to hear Hedren discuss her experiences while making the film. The screening will begin at 8 p.m. Admission is free. Tickets can be obtained in advance by calling (800) 769-1653. Visit for more information.