Say no to drug wars

Hostage Nation delves into the chaos of the never-ending war on drugs, a nation abused by a tyrannical guerrilla army and the misguided governments of Colombia and the United States, who fumble attempts to take control of the situation. Subtitled Colombia’s Guerrilla Army and the Failed War on Drugs, the book takes readers deep into the jungle and shows us the intricacies of the kidnappings of Keith Stansell, Marc Gonsalves and Thomas Howes—three Americans working for California Microwave Systems on a mission to abolish cocaine production in the heart of the Amazon. On February 13, 2003, they were kidnapped and held hostage for five years by the reigning Colombian guerrilla army, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia. With journalists’ attention to detail and firsthand accounts, Victoria Bruce, Karin Hayes and Jorge Enrique Botero (the only person from the outside world to have contact with the three Americans during their captivity) explain it all.