Sausage Party

On the shelves of a supermarket, all the food items—frankfurters, buns, mustard jars, ketchup bottles, etc.—wait eagerly for the day they’ll be chosen by some shopper and transported to the “Great Beyond”—never suspecting that their true fate is to be chopped, cooked and eaten. Some of the jokes in the script are profanely funny (just imagine the double entendre possibilities of wieners sliding into buns) and the novelty of a raunchy adults-only cartoon has a naughty charge. That’s good for about 15 minutes, then all this food reaches its sell-by date and grows stale; the characters and story aren’t engaging enough to fill 89 minutes. Seth Rogen co-writes and provides a star voice, with other voices by his usual gang of buddies: Kristen Wiig, Jonah Hill, James Franco, Michael Cera, Bill Hader, etc. J.L.