Sat, Oct 31, Fairgame
Fire Escape Bar and Grill, 7 p.m., $10

I think it’s a safe bet that Fairgame’s Halloween bash at the Fire Escape will be ground zero for scantily clad rocker chicks and bros dressed up like the dudes from Ron Burgundy. I mean, just look at those sexy calendar photos on the Fire Escape’s MySpace page; this is what you’re getting into. Plus, Fairgame’s brand of jam rock—big riffs, chin-nodding drum beats, ghostly hair-rock vocals—is certainly conducive for getting your pimp-and-ho Halloween party on. The band will throw down its trick-or-treat bash with the help of Grey Atlas, Man Automatic, One Dying Secret and Brand X Savior. 7431 Madison Avenue in Citrus Heights;