Sat, Nov 28, Be Brave Bold Robot
Fox & Goose, 9 p.m., $5 donation

Dean Haakenson: songwriter, vocalist and all-around funny dude who can throw a mean Whiffle ball? Yes, that’s correct: He’ll toss it right at your face, only to have it cut to the plate and die right as you swing. And miss. I know this, yes, because he’s K’d me in the past. And this is probably why I resented him and, when I first heard of BBBR, called it Be Brave Dave Matthews. Well, I retract that jackass analogy: Matthews sucks, sounds nothing like BBBR and dumps shit in rivers across the country. BBBR is catchy, talented, and Haakenson’s so funny he’ll have you shitting your pants. 1001 R Street,