Sat, Dec 12, Dismal Lapse
The Distillery, 9 p.m., $6

Auburn-based metal trio Dismal Lapse will come down from the hill this weekend for a CD-release show in Midtown, which is awesome. (Note to suburban bands: Playing the grid should be a requisite rite of passage. Book a night.) Anyhow, DL’s new release, Eon Fragmentation, has almost everything you’d want from a metal troupe: double bass thuds that require Advil; sonic, distorted, flanged guitars; and, my favorite, superbassy Cookie Monster vocals that are more Lucifer than Jim Henson. And the occasional tapping solo, perfectly legato. Dig the hell out of DL. With Exhausted Prayer, the New Plague and Ashes of Icons. 2107 L Street,