Sapphire Cordial
by Jamaica Cole

SN&R Photo by Shoka
Jamaica Cole loves to travel. Last year, the designer returned from New Orleans and transformed memories of the elaborate ironwork, Spanish moss and archways of the French Quarter into an antiquated formal-wear collection for her label, Sapphire Cordial.
This year, Cole’s travels to England have inspired a new Sapphire Cordial aesthetic, one that recalls the ocean, sailors, boats and luggage. It’s old world-inspired, but with higher hemlines. In short, more British.
Since she first sewed “a hot pink mini-dress with lace inserts” at age 10, Cole has designed with a penchant for antique lace, fringe, piping and other delicate touches. So it’s no surprise to hear of Cole’s plans to craft costumes for highly fashionable rock ensemble Agent Ribbons in the coming year. “All the artists here [in Sacramento] support each other, and it’s really nice,” she said.
Catch Sapphire Cordial on the runway at the Earth Week Fashion Show, part of Green Second Saturday on April 12, 7 p.m. at Bows and Arrows, 1712 L Street; (916) 444-3606.

On model Jamaica Cole: vintage fabric and antique-lace dress, $110 at Atelier, 1617 16th Street; (916) 442-1800. Hair and make-up by Nicole Kniss.
SN&R Photo by Shoka

SN&R Photo by Shoka

SN&R Photo by Shoka

SN&R Photo by Shoka