Ruthless People

When Morgan Pillsbury was a little girl in Sacramento, her mother had a boyfriend named John Fund, who was active in the local Libertarian Party. Years later, Pillsbury visited Fund, by then an editorialist for the Wall Street Journal, in New York, and Fund initiated an intimate relationship with her that apparently turned into an ugly mess over time. You know the old adage, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”? This Web site is Pillsbury’s revenge, with scurrilous content that paints Fund as a rapscallion and a rogue to boot: a flyer and cast list for “Psycho Ex-Boyfriend: the Movie”; allegations that Fund was a girlfriend-beater; transcripts of e-mails between Fund and another woman, stupidly sent from Pillsbury’s PC; and more. Although there’s a certain amount of schadenfreude to be had from reading about the mating habits of randy conservatives, you may prefer a cold shower afterward.