Rock on with your bad self

D’oh! We couldn’t find a groovy pic of Red Tiger Church, so here’s the Brodie Stewart Band.
One of the best pure blasts of decadent early-1970s rock ’n’ roll—not the bogus version that gets served up by faux nostalgia merchants these days, but the real, unraveling hangman’s rope, Exile on Main Street deal—was unleashed on a five-song EP by local band Red Tiger Church. You can check out the band Friday night, May 9, at Capitol Garage, 1427 L Street, with the always-genius Shruggs, the Naked Robbers and the Ready Mades. The show starts at 8 p.m., and the cover’s $7. For an alternative that night, Luce—probably not named after the Time magazine publisher—plays the Roadhouse at 1556 Bell Avenue in Robla with the Brodie Stewart Band, Mixed Friction and ViV. We missed all-girl cover band AC/DShe there last week, but this looks sufficiently rocking. Showtime’s 8 p.m., and the cover’s $10.