Robyn Is Happy

B Street Theatre hosts the world premiere of playwright Michael Elyanow’s look at the unspoken code of honesty and loyalty among girlfriends—when is it appropriate to butt in when friends are making questionable choices in love or life? Three lifelong pals judge and battle with and against each other with biting humor, captured by good performances by all three actresses, Amy Kelly, Elisabeth Nunziato and Melinda Parrett. The problem lies in inconsistencies with the play’s tone and intent. Over-the-top raucous, mean-spirited humor runs rampant. Th, F 8pm; Sa 5 & 9pm; Su 2pm; Tu 6:30pm; W 2 & 6:30pm. Through 4/14. $23-$35. B Street Theatre, 2711 B St.; (916) 443-5300;