Ripe for picking

American Pickers

Whether you’re a fan of the popular History Channel series American Pickers, an old-things enthusiast or just a basic hoarder, this just might be your chance at 15 minutes of fame. Producers for the show will be filming episodes of the show in California this spring and have put out a scouting call for “sizeable, unique collections.” However you define that (rooms filled with kitschy ’50s ceramic cats; the rusted-out shells of old cars; weirdly inscrutable metal things) is up to you. The show, hosted by Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz, is known for its deep dives into junky attics, dusty barns and endless stacks of towering boxes, some of which yield bona fide treasures and some of which just turn up interesting oddities and richly detailed stories. Think your collection fits one or more of those criteria? Make your pitch via email or phone at or call 1-855-OLD-RUST.