Rilke does a body good

Lloyd Bricken as Rainer Maria Rilke in Antero Alli’s The Greater Circulation.
Photo by Sean Blosl
The Helsinki, Finland-born Bay Area artist Antero Alli works in various forms, and his collaborators have included Rob Brezsny, whose Free Will Astrology column is a favorite in these pages. As a filmmaker, Alli could be called very independent. “I am agitated by the cultural genocide of the Imagination, a tragic side-effect of our current era of mass-media depersonalization,” he says in his “vision statement.” Alli’s most recent film, The Greater Circulation, is quite re-personalizing. An active meditation on the costs of motherhood and creation, it imagines the poet Rainer Maria Rilke writing his “Requiem for a Friend” for the fellow artist who died shortly after having her first child. “Somebody once told me that I probably didn’t have a mainstream bone in my body, but I think they were exaggerating,” Alli says. “I still watch television.” See The Greater Circulation Sunday at 8 p.m. at Fools Foundation, in the basement of 1025 19th Street. Admission is $6. Call (916) 442-4470 for more information.