Review: [Title of Show]
[Title of Show], directed by Mariana Seda, is a musical about two guys writing a musical about two guys writing a musical. This delightful Green Valley Theatre Company production showcases four talented actors: Brian Bohlender as Jeff, Nephi Speer as Hunter, Eimi Taormina as Susan and Lauren Ettensohn as Heidi, with David Taylor as Larry, the accompanist.
Jeff and Hunter are musical writing partners who have hit a dry patch. When they hear of a new musical theater festival, they decide to enter something but only have only three weeks to come up with a show. As they brainstorm ideas (book plots, poems, etc.), the partners decide that the actual brainstorming session set to music might be an interesting concept.
With the help of Susan and Heidi, they develop their musical, which is successful at the festival, finds an off-Broadway home and then is slated to move to Broadway. The changing relationships among the four friends as their fame grows teaches them what is ultimately important in life.
Musical theater buffs will love this show for its in-jokes and obscure references. Others will enjoy the tuneful songs, inventive choreography and the camaraderie among the actors. A word of warning: Adult language and themes make this inappropriate for young children.