Review: A Revolutionary Mind

Even if Leslie Lewinter-Suskind’s new play A Revolutionary Mind weren’t as powerful as it is, the play would still worth seeing if only for the strong performances by the quartet who make up the cast: Marion Jeffery, Berman Obaldia, Michael T. Erwin and Joe Monroe.
Directed by Ray Tatar, the play tells the story of Susan (Jeffery), a boomer-era activist, who once wanted to change the world—but first she wanted to marry and then came the two children.
As the play begins, she and husband (Monroe) await news of their daughter, an activist herself, who has gone off to film atrocities around the world, and who is now missing.
Throughout the play, Susan revisits the ’60s and relives her fervor and her passion to make the world a better place. She also examines how the life decisions she made impacted that passion.
Susan also has discussions with activist-filmmaker Raymundo Gleyzer (Obaldia), who chides her for choosing to be a suburban wife instead of getting in the trenches and really working for change rather that just attending meetings and sending donations.
While all give powerful performances, it is the scenes between Jeffery and Obaldia which resonate the strongest. “How do you quiet the real world so you can hear the real world?” Susan asks.