Random Abiladeze
Brutally Honest

Random’s debut full-length album is indeed full. Production and lyrics spill over with ambient theatrics (“Pay Attention” and “Insomnia,” both featuring Young Aundee) as well as brutal, hip-hop anthems like “Don’t Stop It.” And with the help of producers Resinate, DJ Crispix and a host of others, Random hits every spot in between—from “I Loved You,” a heartfelt duet with Butterscotch, to “Lay the Foundation,” a lesson in hip-hop lyricism with cuts by DJ Rated R. Don’t miss the love letter rapped by our country’s most ruthless gangster (“Slowge Bush”) to his “little chocolate cupcake,” Condi Rice. Brutally Honest is a sonically complete album with a message that’s serious, playful and totally aware of its surroundings. Random Abiladeze has just taken Sacramento hip-hop to the next plateau.