Preview: Finding Neverland at Broadway Sacramento

TFW you finally find the source of the ticking.

TFW you finally find the source of the ticking.

Photo courtesy of Broadway Sacramento

Sometimes it sucks to be a grownup—which is why the concept of recapturing the freedom, imagination and innocence of youth is so intriguing. Add the ability to fly, the comradery of friendship, some badass pirates and a land without adults, and you have the beloved story of Peter Pan. Finding Neverland is the backstory of Peter Pan’s creator J.M. Barrie and the neighbor boys who inspired him to write the tale. It’s a musical filled with imaginative characters, music, sets and literal flights of fancy. Thu 2pm & 8pm, Fri 8 pm, Sat 2pm & 8pm, Sun 2pm, Tue 8pm, Wed 8pm. Through 4/15; $25-$107; Community Center Theater, 1301 L Street; (916) 557-1999;