Pretty cool

Priti NYC nail polish
Although it’s fun to color fingernails with polish, many brands will weaken and discolor nails—not to mention that their ingredients are often toxic with solvents, such as toluene, and carcinogens, such as formaldehyde. But for those who value their health, environment and vanity, there is nontoxic Priti NYC’s polish. The company awesomely lists its organic products’ ingredients and where they are derived from on its website, and I found Priti’s formula to chip less than popular high-end drugstore brands (I won’t name names). There are more than 100 options in Priti’s spectrum of hues to fit any mood, and here’s the icing: The company also has a nail-polish recycling program and makes a nontoxic nail-polish remover, too (see The V Word, “Smells like candy,” page 23). That’s pretty cool.