Prayer of Death

It’s amazing how a bit of echoplex and a dollop (maybe a few dollops) of reverb can connote the otherworldly. Of course, singer/guitarist/multi-instrumentalist Guy Blakeslee and his revolving cast of players have much more at their disposal to lure the intrepid listener into a blissful hypnotic state. Take Paz Lenchantin’s wheezing violin drone on “Valium Blues,” which mixes Eastern European tonalities with a military beat, all at punk-rock speed. Or Blakeslee’s frenetic electric-sitar workout on the instrumental “Requiem for Sandy Bull (R.I.P.).” Still, as far out as things get, Entrance always keeps a foot in tradition, as on the throbbing slide-guitar-driven space-boogie of “Grim Reaper Blues,” equal parts Led Zep stomp ’n’ start and Hawkwind-style sonic noise-bed.