Popular beer spot Pangaea Two Brews Cafe opens new ‘lambic bar’

Illustration by Hayley Doshay
At the small event to inaugurate the new sour-beer “lambic bar” in the back room of Pangaea Two Brews Cafe, owner Rob Archie raised a glass of ultra-rare Cantillon Lou Pepe and, with eyes shining, thanked everyone for their support. (Briefly, the category of “sour” beers are those with a tart taste that is a result of fermentation with either Brettanomyces yeast or Lactobacillus bacteria. Mmm, bacteria.)
Pangaea has been firmly in the forefront of Sac's craft-beer scene, and this sour bar may be their most audacious move yet. This isn't just rare for Sacramento—it's rare to find nine taps dedicated to sour beers in any city, and almost unheard of to have an entire bar area devoted to them.
And a lovely bar it is. Archie has turned Ikea flooring into a bar top, and sanded down the wood on each of the beer taps to give them a uniform, spare look. The room, which also houses the bottle shop, has been transformed; instead of feeling unfinished, it now has a warm, comfortable vibe. The goal is to encourage brewers to brew more of his favorite style of beer—and to procure and blow through as many kegs as he can. 2743 Franklin Boulevard, (916) 454-4942, www.pangaeatwobrews.com.