Pitch Perfect 3

The Bellas reunite for a USO tour. This franchise ran out of steam halfway through the credit crawl on the first movie, and there’s been nothing but garbage-in-garbage-out since then. Director Trish Sie and writers Kay Cannon and Mike White seem determined to see how much non-story, lame dialogue, fuzzy cinematography (Matthew Clark), sloppy editing (Craig Alpert and Colin Patton), and vapid songs they can cram into 93 minutes and still make $100 million. The charms of stars Anna Kendrick and Hailee Steinfeld are hardly powerful enough to carry this junk, especially when they’re teamed with the insufferable Rebel Wilson, who can ruin any movie with ten minutes of screen time (and take John Lithgow, as her ne’er-do-well father, down with her). “Last call, pitches!” scream the movie’s posters. If only.