Pineapple punk
The Bitter Pineapple, B-Side

Illustration by SARAH HANSEL
If there’s a rule that tropical drinks must be cloying and tacky, B-Side has torn it up. The Bitter Pineapple ($9, off menu) might sooth the angst-ridden soul who stashes a Margaritaville hat in her closet. Bitter Campari complicates a sweet mix of pineapple rum and fruity Cocchi Vermouth di Torino. This twist on a Negroni was concocted by bartender Chad Brown, who won the national 2017 Star of the Bar in May. Though you can’t order his winning Bitter Sweet Cocktail at B-Side, you can taste his knack for bitterness in a place where it’s least expected: an island escape. 1430 S Street, (916) 706-1830.