Pick six

Photo courtesy California Capital Airshow
Football season begins this week. It’s the absolutely quintessential American sport, featuring 300-pound men sprinting and hitting each other at full-strength—so hard they’re required to wear body armor and helmets. And costumes.
Everything else is super-sized, from domes to bowls (and sometimes even injuries). But it’s the perfect sport for American-style consumerism. If we don’t pay big bucks to see it live, we buy giant televisions, hot dogs and cases of Coors Light—and violently, passionately stuff ourselves on game day.
But, SN&R gets it. We understand that football might not be your scene. So, here are six alternatives to intercept your attention from hours of watching the good ol’ boys toss the pigskin. Priced cheap or free, they’re all touchdowns.
California Capital Airshow
What: An airplane show that honors veterans and current servicemen and women.
Where: Mather Airport, 3745 Whitehead St. in Mather
When: September 10-11, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. both days.
Why: See current fighter planes, stunt pilot shows, interactive displays for the whole family and historical aircraft exhibits.
More: $5-$12 advance general admission tickets online, $10-$15 tickets at the door; parking is $10 per vehicle. (916) 876-7568; www.californiacapitalairshow.com.
Begonia Show and Sale
What: The Sacramento Branch of the American Begonia Society introduces you to the world of begonias.
Where: Shepard Garden and Art Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd.
When: September 10-11, 10 a.m-4 p.m. both days
Why: You can view more than 1000 begonias on sale from local growers, buy a plant for $5 or less, and attend seminars to learn basic begonia growing.
More: Free. (916) 283-5960; www.begonias.org.
Edible Gardens Tour
What: Soroptimist International of Sacramento takes you on a tour of home gardens in East Sac.
Where: Various locations in East Sacramento
When: Saturday, September 10, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Why: Heirloom tomatoes are plump and in season right now, the Sacramento Symphonic Winds will be performing in various gardens and you can see how to grow more than 100 varieties of fruit in your yard. And, the event benefits charities that support women and children.
More: Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, and free for children 12 and under. Visit www.ediblegardensac.org for more information.
California Rare Beer Auction
What: California brewers auction some of their rarest, most treasured brews. Where: Rubicon Brewing Company, 2004 Capitol Ave.
When: Saturday, September 10, 1-4 p,m.; 5-8 p.m.
Why: You can finally get your hands on the craft brews you’ve heard about but never been able to taste. There will also be barbecue on the patio and proceeds benefit the Northern California Brewers Guild and The California Small Brewers Association.
More: Free. (916) 448-7032; www.rubiconbrewing.com
Star Trek: Of Gods and Men
What: Movies on a Big Screen is celebrating its fifth anniversary with a screening of the film Star Trek: Of Gods and Men.
Where: Guild Theatre, 2828 35th St.
When: Sunday, September 11,7:30 p.m.
Why: Though it’s technically a “fan film,” Star Trek: Of Gods and Men is directed by Stak Trek actor and director Tim Russ (Tuvok), and stars other Star Trek alumni, including Walter Koenig (Pavel Chekov), Nichelle Nichols (Uhura) and Garrett Wang (Harry Kim).
More: Free. Visit www.moviesonabigscreen.com for more information.
Curtis Fest Art Festival
What: A celebration featuring artists, musicians and food vendors.
Where: William Curtis Park, 3349 West Curtis Drive
When: Saturday, September 10, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Why: Hear music from Instagon, the Mike Justis Band and Garage Jazz Architects; eat food from Tuli Bistro, The Wicked Wich food truck and Shasta Valley Shaved Ice; children can get their face painted, watch magic and visit a petting zoo until 1 p.m.
More: Free. Interested artists should email <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">{ document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,97,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,109,97,105,108,116,111,58,110,105,99,111,108,101,95,115,111,108,117,114,105,64,121,97,104,111,111,46,99,111,109,34,62,110,105,99,111,108,101,95,115,111,108,117,114,105,64,121,97,104,111,111,46,99,111,109,60,47,97,62)) } </script>. Visit www.sierra2.org. for more information.