Pedro the Lion
Achilles Heel

Pedro the Lion’s Dave Bazan bears an eerie vocal resemblance to Jackson Browne. There is also a mournful tone to the whimsy here that echoes Browne’s California parking-lot music. I guess you would rock this on your iPod rather than sitting on the hood of Preston’s Camaro behind the Bel Air with car-stereo speakers in wooden boxes made in shop class. This is the fourth full release from Pedro the Lion. The initials PTL are probably not a coincidence, but don’t look for as much big-time faith wrestling as in earlier efforts. Drinking is more of a theme here, as in the sunny harmonies of “Keep Swinging” and the Southwestern threesome of “Arizona.” A bit looser than before, with no grand concepts, but deft lyricism and grabby melody hooks make Achilles Heel a good album.